The Company was established in 2001 and is located in Melbourne. Boron Molecular's location provides it with cost-effective access to world-class facilities and a pool of highly talented synthetic organic chemists.
Boron Molecular Ltd is a dedicated small-molecule manufacturing company focusing on the design and synthesis of organoboron and biaryl compounds. The skill and expertise available within Boron Molecular makes it an ideal partner for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and fine chemical industries in their quest for the design, synthesis and large-scale production of commercially relevant compounds.
Boron Molecular offers a catalogue of over 400 building-block compounds, comprising of organoboron, biaryl and cubane compounds.
Boron Molecular's products are listed in our database. Use the following links to browse Boron Molecular's chemicals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14.
Contact Information
- Address: P.O. Box 756, Noble Park Vic 3174, Australia
- Telephone number: 61-3-8558 8000
- Fax number: 61-3-8558 8004
- Web page: