Fine Chemicals Company Profile


Ubichem was established in 1978 to provide chemical sourcing and distribution services to a wide variety of industries.

In 1995 Ubichem Research was formed and based in the Chemical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In May 2002 a new pilot plant and kilo laboratory was commissioned in the outskirts of Budapest covering a 8000 square metre site. The plant operates to cGMP guidelines.

We have administration, warehousing and distribution facilities in Southampton, England. In Budapest, Hungary we have two sites: research is carried out in Buda and scale-up and production at the new facility in Pest, on the other side of the River Danube.

Our recent investment in the new pilot plant and research facilities at Ubichem Research ensure that we offer a seamless service from custom synthesis and process development to commercial scale production. Ubichem has 25 years experience in supply of complex chemicals to a multitude of industries.

Ubichem's products are listed in our database. Use the following links to browse Ubichem's chemicals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.


Contact Information

  • Address: 33 Illatos Street, Budapest, 1097, Hungary
  • Telephone number: +36-1-347-5060
  • Fax number: +36-1-347-5061
  • Web page:

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