At Eurogentec, experienced peptide chemists operate state-of-the-art technology and equipment. Before each synthesis, a hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity plot (Hoop-Woods, Kyte-Doolittle) as well as the antigenic index (Jameson-Wolf) and surface probability are carried out and are available to you upon request.
Bio Synthesis is a leading life science products company with over 20 years of experience in the design and synthesis of peptides, small molecules and reagents for small scale research and bulk pharmaceutical trials.
Peptides International Inc. is known world-wide as a leading supplier of peptide-related products and services. We are committed to bringing researchers the highest quality products available in the world.
The Biopeptide Company is pleased to offer many years of experience in the design, synthesis and production of peptides using t-Boc/Fmoc solid phase and solution phase technology.
Peptron is a global custom peptide synthesis service provider and has long-term customers in more than 30 countries. Peptron has focused on four major areas: custom peptide synthesis service and related products, peptide DDS technology development, peptide cosmetic ingredient development, and peptide drug discovery.
The University of Bristol introduces hassle free ordering of peptides for the scientific community. We offer our extensive experience in making high quality custom peptides.
AnaSpec manufactures peptides, antibodies, fluorescent dyes & probes, amino acids, solid phase resins and reagents; provides custom services in peptide synthesis, antibody production, assay development, and analytical validation.
With extensive experience of solid and solution phase synthesis and state-of-the-art facilities, ChemPep offers custom peptides of the highest quality at the most competitive price. ChemPep has the capacity for both small and large-scale peptide syntheses ranging from milligram to kilogram. We also offer custom services for large peptides, unusual or modified peptides, and specially designed peptides.